Spirituality gives the following benefits to a human being :
1.     Pure mind with a pure heart.
2.     A cool head and a cool brain.
3.     Smooth, deep regular breathing and nervous harmony.
4.     Peace, enlightenment, power and bliss.
5.     A core of luminous constancy amidst fluctuating day-to-day experiences.
6.     Contact with the inner self who is unchanged, perfect and whole.
7.     Weakening of the division, selfish ego and strengthening of expansive and inclusive consciousness.
8.     Attitude of greater giving and minimal grabbing.
9.     Diminishing of pettiness and meanness, and enhancement of dignity and nobility.
10.   Putting and faltering human intellect in contact with Allah, God or Brahma.
11.   He cannot ditch others and become a traitor.
12.   He is free from corruption, communal frenzy and criminal activities.
Spirituality also implies the following :
1.     Man’s mastery over physical environment.
2.     Relationship between men in terms of God’s laws in terms of material gains.
3.     Humanity – meaning rising above common good.
4.     Living with the universal laws.
5.     Greater meaning of life and loftier goals rather than pursue mundane material things.