1.        Protection of Praja : To protect his state and his subject (Praja) from invaders and keep them happy.
           2.      Protection of Social System : To protect and enhance social system and culture. They need to protect and interests of various groups and ensure that they perform their social and official duties without fear.
           3.      Accessibility : To be easily accessible to their subject at all times.
           4.      Social Upliftment : They went around in their kingdom to get the first-hand information. They believed in principle of social justice and help the poor, widows and disabled people.
           5.      Timely Redressal : They gave quick justice to aggrieved people. Justice was never denied. In ancient times, a king had placed a gong at the gate of his palace and any aggrieved person could sound the gong at any time and get justice.
           6.      Charity : They did many things for the benefit of people like building roads, planting trees, building ‘dharmashalas’, schools, hospitals etc.
           7.      Financial Management : They used to collect taxes according the production, when there was good harvest, but in case of drought, the taxes were reduced.
           8.      Increasing Trade : They encouraged trade among different kingdoms. Traders from other countries were welcome. Some of them were given protection also.
           9.      Transparency : They were transparent in their dealings. They had many courtiers and ‘darbaarees’. All the decisions were taken with the consensus of ‘darbaarees’.