A Poem On Mother





Some thought stroke my mind today just walking by the lane.

To bring me into this wide world you carried on so much pain.

          You said that it wasn’t trouble and pain; it was true happiness and joy for me to gain. But I know it wasn’t easy for you to say those 36 weeks were few.

          You were the first one to know me, to feel me to understand me. It was your womb that created me, molded me and completed me.

          You were the one who first felt my heartbeat. I felt most secured in your womb’s heat.

          I’m thankful to God, but more than him to you. Because he just created me but who gave me birth was you.

          If he keeps one side all the happiness of the world and the other side you. I would definitely opt for nothing other, but My Love, My Life, My Mother.



AUTHOR : Stephie A. Kinny

PUBLISHED BY: Jasneet Sethi


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Tolani College of Commerce is a commerce college in Andheri East, Mumbai, India.


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