A Shatterproof Film Which Will Protect The Display Of The Phone


Polymer scientists from the University of Akron have developed a transparent electrode that could change the face of smartphones, literally, by making their displays shatterproof.

In a recently published scientific paper, researchers demonstrated how a transparent layer of electrodes on a polymer surface could be extraordinarily tough and flexible, withstanding repeated scotch tape peeling and bending tests. This could revolutionize and replace conventional touch screens, according to Yu Zhu, UA assistant professor of polymer science. Currently used coatings made of indium tin oxide (ITO) are more brittle, most likely to shatter, and increasingly costly to manufacture.

A transparent layer of electrode (Photo: The University of Akron)


This new film provides the same degree of transparency as an ITO, and is much more flexible and cost effective. To test its flexibility and functionality, the new film was bent 1000 times, but it retained its original shape and functionality.

Due to its flexibility, the transparent electrode can be fabricated in economical, mass-quantity rolls.

“We expect this film to emerge on the market as a true ITO competitor,” Zhu says.

This research was conducted by Zhu, UA graduate students Tianda He and Aozhen Xia, and Darrell Reneker, distinguished professor of polymer science at UA.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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