A small secret for happy life that you probably din’t knew




The power of this quote comes from the fact that this quote gives a little sigh even when you read it once, isn’t it?

When things don’t work out the way we expected from life, when we lose hope for silver lining in life, when everything is topsy-turvy, what do we do at such times? We can’t give up, right? Neither should we sit and nag about it to any-one.

We have to get out of this pit and lift our self and emerge out as winner, right? We have to be warrior in order to get out of  from the glitches of life. During such times, there is something that keeps you moving and on-going, and that’s “faith”. I am not talking here about “faith” in religion or anything as such which is associated with man-made notions…

I am talking about “faith” in one-self. You should not give up so easily.Perhaps,its not easy but it’s not even impossible. You need to keep on working unless you reach to a point where you want to and this happens only when you have faith in yourself. Faith is not about believing, faith is something that you should have. There is always a power above you and that is –faith.

Faith is nothing but a hope from life, trusting and rediscovering yourself, a sense of positivity which you need during times of adversity.

Hence to pull it together,“Faith-it does not makes thing easy, it makes them possible.”

Here is a short story on “FAITH” which will cheer your mood 🙂


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Kajal Shah

hello frnds.. I am kajal shah, a student by occupation. I m fun-loving, simple and happy-go-lucky girl.I am talkative i like to counsel my friends and make them feel light when they are having tough time.I believe in simplicity and i love cooking and oh ya so m a foodie by birth.Do no badbut don't take a shit..