A soulful Poem- I Am A Woman



Several roles I play, one after another

That of a daughter, sister, friend, wife…

A daughter in law, sister in law thereafter

I am a woman


I am always told tales

Of a princess and her prince

Always given dolls to play

Even if they weren’t my favourite things


From childhood I play games

Where I cook for everyone

Pink is assumed to be my favourite colour

Without much consideration


Attaining education is an opportunity

Which many explore

Some reach great heights while others

Are considered an eyesore


If I work diligently

I am ambitious and career oriented

If I am a housewife

I am just an ordinary life


If I dress up in western clothes

I am chic for some and inappropriate for others

If I am in simple Indian attire

I am just a boring person


How much ever I do

I am always pointed out

If I don’t do something

I will still be blamed out


If I drink and party

I am a bad fool

My character is written off

Without a thought pool


Women have reached the moon

But don’t get respect on earth

Various forms of women are worshipped

But in reality are abused and kicked


We don’t dress up

To get molested

Or go out

To get raped


We get educated to make a career

A name, an identity of our own

We want to contribute towards our society

A good nation, without any frown



We are humans with dreams

And want to be treated like equals

The inequality of the society

Makes us tremble


Who gave men the right?

To murder us for their lust

We question each and everyone

Am answer is a must


How long will we be killed

In our mother’s womb

If we are forms of Lakshmi and Saraswati

Why bury us in a tomb


Before you think of attacking us

Or demeaning or belittling us

Forget this one thing not

You have been brought in this world by a woman


We no longer plead for respect

As it is our right

Its upto men now

How to control their sight


I am a woman

Aware of all my rights

I fulfil each and every duty

Without any fights.

– Anjani Nautiyal.

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