A Surprising Look Of Amitabh Bachchan For Shamitabh



You all have seen many times Amitabh Bachchan changed his looks for movies, but here the another the movie known for changing his looks to suit the character, has gone grey and haggard on us in R Balki’s curiously titled ‘Shamitabh’.
He was spotted shooting at Mumbai Lokhandwala Garden in this get up .He was sporting grey hair and beard. The Paa artist is back at work with Shamitabh.
Balki said about the film, We are happy to announce that the film is titled as “Shamitabh”. We are halfway through the shoot of the film, so I will finish that and then talk more about it. Right now, I’m enjoying watching the lethal combo of the intensity of Amitabh Bachchan, the intelligence of Dhanush, and the innocence of Akshara (Haasan).”
Big B and Balki have earlier worked together in Cheeni Kum (2007) and Paa (2009). While he sported a neat little ponytail in Cheeni Kum, he used prosthetic make up in Paa.
Now let’s wait and see what is movie all about and what difference is there in this film. Hope Amitabh’s new looks attracts public.


By Shamim Noorani.

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