A Tale Of an Indian Idiot Box.!!!!!


A Tale of an Indian Idiot box
India is a place which has everything, search anything and you get it, from the prestigious thing to the least important things in the world. India being the 7th biggest country in the world and has a total area of approx 3287263 sq. kilometer, where each and every kilometer the language and the religion changes and alsotheir god. There is so much of diversity in India; the only thing which connects our country is this Idiot box.
Yes an Idiot box!Television, an epidemic arrived in India in 1959 ,since then it has been an irrepressible and destructive. Be it from the great Himalayas to the Kanyakumari’s .Every house has one, no matter what the size of their house is, a space for this Idiot box is always reserved. Some may throw off their parents, wife, husband, children from their house, but I have never seen somebody throwing this idiot box out of the house. Why should somebody do this, the only answer is,itnever makes you bore. It has everything in it from the stupid and illogical and melodramatic serials to the sensual shows, it has everything for each and every age group.
Television shows, the most killer virus in the world. Once a person subscribes it, he will for sure show the symptoms of laziness. And if he/she subscribes to some Indian TV channels, surely Drama is what you can look forward in them.
Indian television, the most deadly virus in the universe, well what can I say about it. This deadly virus comes with melodrama and senseless taglines,this virus is a type of drug every Indian aunties are addicted to it. In Indian males this drug has a different effect; it makes them glued to the illogical crime news, sensex.
Television rating points (TRP) is the rating point where an effect of virus is measured. All viruses fight to get into the top ratings. Indian channels go crazy and to achieve its desired effect; fromcriticizing a player about the after match party, showing a flexibility of a flexible human, locking up ladies in a house and make them fight for their life or bringing up a past event of a illicit sport person.
Whatever it may be, there is no medicine to cure this epidemic. Computer, internet and mobile phones were introduced to overcome it but instead it has made it worst ever than before.At last even I m glued to this idiot box.Technology comes with the sweet and sour taste,nowits your choices which taste u prefer..!!

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Ankit Merchant
Hey guys my name in Ankit Pranay Merchant currently have just entered into T.Y.B.M.S of Thakur College. I am a fun loving guy who likes to hang out with friends. I love challenges and winning them. I like reading, writing and listening music.

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