A will to win


Mr. Damodhar is a senior supervisor in the factory of Alfa Beta Ltd. He has served the company for the last 30 years and is to retire after 2 years. He is well known as a capable administrator and an intelligent technocrat presently he looks after the company’s latest plant at Satara. The company has given him a good bungalow with posh furniture and a car. The plant is located at a village 20 kms away from Satara. Mr. Damodhar stays in the city.
His son is a doctor and is settled in Mumbai. His daughter has just got married. He has constructed a house at Satara where he is to stay after his retirement. His wife is busy with social work activities.
Mr. Damodhar is physically fit and very active. He has won three awards for best productivity and supervision. His relations with his subordinates and superiors are excellent. He knows commercial aspects of company’s business. He is known as an authority on Factory Management. Occasionally, he lectures in company’s seminars. His thinking is very rational and modern.
These days, Mr. Damodhar is a bit worried of his post-retirement days. He doesn’t believe in talking to people and taking their advise. He has not even opened the topic of retirement, to his wife and children.
Mr. Damodhar and his wife have decided to spend together their post-retirement days at Satara, inspite of their son requesting them to come over in Mumbai and stay with him. It is impossible for Mr. Damodhar to think of staying in Mumbai, especially after spending 30 years of his life at Satara.
Mr. Damodhar is worried that there would be a big vacuum in his life, after retirement. He is unable to imagine that subordinates, car, and bungalow would not be available after retirement. His worries are now gradually affecting his health. He is not able to enjoy good health, and sleep. Mrs. Damodhar is depressed with this new development.

Advise Mr. Damodhar

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