Aam Aadmi Party – Really?



  AAP Article

 Basking in the glory of India Against Corruption Movement and also in the limelight of Anna Hazare stood Arvind Kejrival, speaking of how corruption has wronged India and that its time everyone speak against it. An IAS officer with a clean image, a good record and a nice family made everyone think that he is a middle class man who was caught in this system and is here standing for a ‘change’ something which each one of us wanted deep down inside.

  Soon one heard that Arvind Kejrival was entering active politics and floated the “Aam Aadmi Party”. An educated man entering politics was a good sign. Many educationist, fundamentalist, etc supported him and soon he managed to get a good team on board. However it was surprising that his ‘Guru’ if I may call so, Anna didn’t support him and distanced himself from Mr. Kejrival and his party. That did not deter the spirit of a young man who was wronged by this system and had issues against the government and its working.

 A good orator and a man who has worked for the government he was well aware of the working mechanism and loopholes of the system. He was an instant hit and struck a connection with the common man who was troubled by corruption. The India Against corruption movement’s wave made public in his favour. His simple personality, issue based arguments, staunch approach against corruption, hope and promise for change won him a lot of youth appeal, supporters and public sympathy. He also had a knack to hold his team and carry out various road shows which brought him closer to the masses.

 However, his election as the CM of Delhi which was a turning point in his life and also of those who supported or observed him turned out to be quiet a disappointment. He couldn’t live up to the promises he made and turbulent tides pushed him on the shore. Ironically his resignation was a bigger debacle then his election.  People lost complete faith in him and his actions angered the people of Delhi. His reputation and party’s image changed drastically. This was reflective in the Lok Sabha election results wherein AAP couldn’t win a single seat in Delhi and Santa- Banta jokes found its way back thanks to the seats AAP won in Punjab.

  Today there is nothing ‘aam’ about AAP. They’ve lost the public confidence and their worst nightmare has come true with Mr. Kejrivals image being tarnished beyond repair. Once the party enjoyed the public support and uproar but things have changed and the same public today is hurling out allegations and expressing their dismay. It’s time the party and the remaining members whoever haven’t left retract their steps and see where they’ve terribly gone wrong.

–         Anjani M Nautiyal

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