Aamir Khan’s Unreleased Movie On &pictures

As we all know Aamir khan films whenever he plays a role in movie the theaters get houseful boards before releasing it.The best example is that Dhoom3,which broke all the box-office records made by other khans to create its own!
This June, is very special for Aamir khan and  for his fans. Zee Emtertainment’s Hindi movie channel, &pictures, bring good news on this Sunday..The channel will air Aamir’s only unreleased movie on Sunday, June 8,2014 at 8 PM only on & pictures. The channel is yet to reveal the name of the film.

The channel &pictures promises that the film will be  full of drama, love, dream, action and tragedy and will showcase real content. It is different and engulfs Aamir’s feelings, real life related, hardwork and dedication and includes  entertainment in the trust form.

The channel for the first will create a live interactive initiatives with Aamir’s only unreleased movie. The channel is also offering a chance to lucky winners across India to watch the film with the actor himself. There will be Live calls in and Aamir will be interacting with his fans during the movie break.

Akash Chawla, Marketing Head, ZEEL,said “We are very excited to have Aamir khan on &pictures in the first ever live conversation with audiences. This is the First Indian movie channel initiative within less than one year. He says the viewer will love this.

Well, we can’t wait to see what Mr.Perfectionist is doing this time.

By Shamim Noorani.


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