AAP, a failed political experiment?



Alright, so some key and high-profile resignations have put AAP in news for all the wrong reason. Captain Gopinath and Shazia Ilmi have resigned from the party and have emphasized that the party need to introspect the way it’s functioning.

Did AAP make mistakes? Yes they did, many. They made mistakes to the extent that their protests against genuine causes also seemed to be a drama. Of course, sometimes that administration goes so deaf and blind that you have no option but to enter drama in order to wake them up., but that cannot be done on daily basis. A dose of drama with every other incident indeed harms the value of the cause that is being fought for and thus, the credibility of the promoters takes a setback. That is exactly what happened with AAP.

 But does that mean that it is the end of the road for AAP? Will it be correct to write-off the party so early? In my opinion, NO. Yes, the party did make mistakes, who doesn’t? Be it an individual, organization or a business house, everyone makes mistakes and that is how they learn. Making mistakes and learning from them is an inevitable part of everyone’s journey, so why treat AAP as an exception? It’s their journey, they made mistakes, now let them learn instead of writing them off.

Not to forget that it is just a year old party. BJP was founded in 1980 and NDA came into power after over 20 years of struggle and learning, BJP secured full majority after 34 years of struggle and in 1984 Lok Sabha Elections, when the party was 4 years old, it secured only 2 seats all over India! So, isin’t it clear that BJP/NDA also had a long journey before the people of the country accepted them? So why this unbridled hate for AAP? It is just 1 year old and secured 4 lok sabha seats. Isn’t that a decent number for a debutant party?  I again repeat that yes, AAP did made mistakes, but what it needs is constructive criticism and not unbridled hate.

Also, not to forget, today, we have Mr. Modi as someone who is patriotic and can deliver, but then, several news reports have confirmed that this Lok Sabha will have maximum number of elected MPs having a criminal background. There indeed was a Modi wave, but even to elect a credible person like Modi, several people, across the country had to vote for candidates having a criminal back ground! Now, is that a wise practice, especially in the long run?

AAP stands for transparency in sources and applications of funds along with a situation where you will not be forced to choose between two criminals to get one good man at the top. Now, that is what you call a sustainable model that a democracy needs. And what are we doing, instead of coming up with constructive criticism to help the party, we are greeting it with unbridled hatred. Why?

Of course the party made mistakes, but yes, it is too early to write them off. Instead, it is time to wait and watch how the party learns from its mistakes.

– Rupali Tyagi.

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