Academic Excellence Awards 2015 Powered By DNA

Launched on July 30, 2005, in Mumbai, dna is an English broadsheet daily owned by Diligent Media Corporation, an Essel Group company.
Within a short span of seven years, dna has fast entrenched itself into the lives of the young and dynamic readers in India’s financial capital of Mumbai, in the IT Capital Bangalore, and other key cities such as Pune, Ahmedabad, Jaipur and now Indore.
Through news, views, analyses and interactivity, dna provides readers with a composite unbiased picture of the city, the country and the world around them. Today, dna is the second most read English broadsheet daily in the city of Mumbai and is the preferred choice of 15.06 lakh readers in Mumbai alone (based on total readership for Q4 2012 from Indian Readership Survey).
Different Strokes for Different Folks: Having a diverse range of products and sections dna is for everyone in the family. With a diversified portfolio including some of the most famous titles like dna Money, dna After Hrs, the Sunday Mag, etc, dna has ensured that there is something for everybody in it.
Apart from the print edition, dna is India’s first newspaper with a responsive and dynamic website (
Its e-paper edition is available at (
Content is also offered by dna through dna Syndication ( a content licensing division of Diligent Media Corporation Ltd. and is solely responsible for Content Syndication and allied services for the newspaper dna, dna Sunday and the website
About Essel Group
Essel Group is among India’s most prominent business houses with a diverse portfolio of assets in media, packaging, entertainment, technology-enabled services, infrastructure development and education. The Group started business in 1976 with a commodity trading and export firm, Rama Associates Limited, and has since then metamorphosed into a conglomerate that is a symbol of the ingenuity and power of Indian entrepreneurship, with worldwide operations and a workforce of nearly 8,000 dedicated employees.

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