The Twisted Tale Of Academics and Relationships..


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Fostering into colleges the first thing that hits our mind is “FREEDOM”. No doubt colleges entitle us the freedom – the way we are here we can be ourselves and broaden our horizons. There are only a very few important restrictions. While in school – the long stretch of those hardship days, uniforms, homework, punishments and many more. Entering into colleges is a complete new start with exiting vibes of new start, hopes and dreams. It’s the very first step to our bright bright future. Being aware of all the dos and don’ts in college there is a great trend of relationships too.

Everything feels very young, new and appealing and having a relationship is something most of the youths look forward too. While some already have it and some and a handful ones are a big no-no to it. But the question here is – is it really worth trying? Coping with relationships and the big academic stress. How many can deal with it? Having a girlfriend/boyfriend is the most coolest and beautiful thing. But low grades also aren’t that appealing. This question really has a great importance in college life – that is it workable to get hooked in college days? The maximum percentile agrees while the few ones feel their academics should not be at a risk by getting hooked up. Every crowd has the two mindsets. One who can maintain the two things simultaneously and the other who cannot.

This is more or less – about a person. The way an individual can deal with it. Having a relationship is the most beautiful and happiest things in the world, provided if it’s right and healthy. The main thing which arises to have a discussion – is the balancing part. Balancing these two things is not easy. Many start feeling this right from their first year, they give more importance to academics and their relationship fall apart. While the others ruin their academics for relationships. For them a relationship means ruining your grades. it then becomes the tug and pull game. This is too bad. At such times is when you need to think is it really worthful to experiment on this sensitive issues. Probably not.

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This scenario is common – we get to see it with our friends, family, peers, etc. either one of the thing – in academic and relationship ruins, and they part away.

But there are people who are great at balancing these things smoothly. They must be the happiest persons. It’s on a person how he can deal with these two things smoothly. This is a quite easy thing too, if you have the right supporting partner. The partner plays an important role – who will understand how important studies are. And make out plans to sort the things and also take out time for each other. A relationship should be where the partner gets motivated and not pressurized. Relationships make people happy and instead help in fueling up their success in academics, again if it’s the healthy one. You cannot cry and hit your partner because of time issues. Stop, breathe and understand each other’s circumstances. The things go easier then.

If a person cannot manage things still, he should concentrate on the grades part and wait for the right time when he can give his share to the relation. Merely being in a relationship and not contributing anything is complete injustice to the other person. It’s better to eliminate this part instead of living a dead relationship.


Many youths are unaware – what a relationship actually means. It’s a game play for them. And these are the ones who spoil the brand name of relationships. It’s not about meeting someone once in a day and drop messages from time to time. So dead!

If you really love your studies and your partner – read the following tips to master your problem and have a beautiful, desired relationship. 🙂



Fretting, getting angry, and using rude languages when a meeting is cancelled due to time issues- you are just adding up the pressure. Instead understand your partner calmly, and support him for his studies, and that he has taken a right decision to miss the meeting and go to the class. This will strengthen your relation, make your partner feel proud to have you and you yourself will have the sacrifice Goosebumps.


Make plans regarding time and meeting issues together. Share your schedule with each other. And when you meet make sure it’s the best one. Share your lives – most important issues in your life. Motivate your partner for doing great in academics and even study together if you both have the same food. Supporting, encouraging is a very important part to boom your relationship and studies.


Without this how can you control your academics and relation? Know first what you are doing and how important it is for you. Then adding up the above ingredients you will construct the smooth way yourself.

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And if you are still reading this – you are undoubtedly going to make the best in your relation and studies. So you know what to do next. 😉

Make the witty decision and don’t let anything dry up. It’s your call what is important to you. My advice would be – choose academics first. And then if you have the right partner you both will make things fall perfectly. And the path is happy and smooth.


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