Acanthus 2014 (2nd National Research Symposium)


About Acanthus:

S.I.W.S is a premier Institution having a glorious history of over 32 years, to be proud of. It has been established with a sole objective of promoting cultural, educational and professional excellence among the younger generations. The college today, has grown as an institution of mark by offering a wide range of courses viz., B.Com, B.Sc, M.Com and M.Sc. In the year 2000, the institution crossed a milestone when it started specialized professional courses, in the field of Management (BBI & BMS). These courses have evoked a huge response from all quarters.

Over the past several years BBI and BMS have individually conducted their respective seminars namely ‘BHIZ-WHIZ’ and ‘PRISM’. Both these seminars were intercollegiate in nature and achieved their objectives o the fullest every year – Enhancing professional capability of students and expand their vision and horizons.

The BBI & BMS students at S.I.W.S whole heartedly adhere to the following philosophy- ‘The only thing constant in life is change’. Hence, year 2013 marked the beginning of a new knowledge sharing platform where the BBI and BMS students came together to organize ‘ACANTHUS’ (KNOWLEDGE – RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM),          an intercollegiate conference.

The conference is to be held on the 16th of August 2014. On a theme of specifically designed to cater to the needs of students pursuing a professional degree. The focus is on contemporary issues of the corporate world. Eminent speakers of the industry have consented to share their views.



  • Shree. D.Shivanandan (DGP)
  • Dr. V Rangaraj (Advisor- Aditya birla management corporation Pvt. Ltd)
  • Shree. Satish Nayak (Trustee I.E.S)



  • Dr. P.G.Gopalakrishnan (Principal  S.I.W.S College)
  • Sailaja Ravindranath (Vice Principal  S.I.W.S College)
  • Neeta Khanolkar (Vice Principal of S.I.W.S College)
  • Prof. Anuradha Natrajan (Vice Principal exam department S.I.W.S College)



  • Dr. V Rangaraj (Advisor- Aditya birla management corporation Pvt. Ltd)
  • Sanjay Bangar (Former Indian Cricketer, Coach of Kings XI Punjab)



  1. Dr. Shobana Vasudevan (Principal, RA  Podar College)
  2. Rekha Shenoy (Deputy Director Atharva Institute of management studies)
  3. Dr. T.Gule (Principal, MD College)




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