Accessories 101- Find the perfect shoes for your perfect look!


Accessories can be of many types, true. But there is always that one thing without which we can’t leave the house. So in this fashion segment, we talk about the little something which makes girls go gaga. Shoes, shoes and shoes. It’s all about the right footwear these days. So in order to save you the trouble of choosing the correct footwear, here are the top five types of shoes that go with the look you prefer.

Sports Shoes:

As the name suggests, these shoes are best suited for sports activities. Various sports brands like Puma, Adidas and Nike have revolutionized this business by coming with designs suited for both style and comfort. I would suggest, never compromise the quality in case of these shoes and hence go for the branded ones even if they cost you a little more than the usual.



These beauties give a rough, raw and wild look and make your legs look slender. Be it the long ones for jeans or the cute short ones for skirts and dresses, boots never go out of style. They come in a range of heels, colors and designs. If you like to funk up your look, then combat boots do the perfect trick. Just make sure, they fit you right.


Flip Flops/ Flat Shoes:

These are basically slippers and are the best for casual wears and for travelling purposes. They are very comfortable in summers and spring. Go for vibrant colors when you choose such footwear. They go really well with shorts and t shirts.


Half Shoes/Blocks:

These are also very good summer wears and look good in formal outfits. They give a feel of style and sophistication especially to the ones who are not comfortable with high heels.


Stilettoes/ Pumps:

These types of shoes are a dream-come true for the female population. These high heeled beauties are very difficult to walk in and give a lot of pain to the feet but the look that they give to your legs and the entire outfit is totally worth it. These types are very fancy and look good with flow-y gowns and one piece dresses. They come in many colors however; the nude shaded stilettoes are my personal favorite and are very popular due to their adaptability to go with any outfit.

Shoes are a big factor to influence your look and hence wear it according to the occasion. Never compromise with comfort and quality when it comes to choosing the right shoes. No matter what, you never want to come home with a broken shoe, or for that matter, a broken leg!

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Poonam Gandhi


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