Accessories 101: Five Best Belts In Trend This Season


Last time we saw how to pamper ourselves with different types of hats and caps. After that, next up on head to toe fashion are belts which might not seem a very necessary element in any outfit but the wonders they do when you match it with your clothing leaves you spellbound when you see the look they give. Belts have the magic of turning a simple dress into an outfit with lots of oomph and style. Hence, they have become the trendsetters of the season. Here’s a list of the most popular types of belts that you should have to jazz up your closet!

The thin classic leather belts (Skinny Belts):

These belts are the most common belts of the season and are very popular amongst the youth these days. These belts add some spice to the dull casual wears. Pair these belts with low waist jeans and shorts along with t shirts, shirts, crop tops whatever and your boring daily wears get their fashion doses. If you are on the funky side, then the fluorescent belts that are available in a splash of crazy colors are a really good option too.



The jewelry belts: (Chain, string, Pearl and stone belts)

Such belts provide a very glamorous look and are best suited for fancy events. They go best with ball gowns and elegant flowing outfits. The chain and string belts (metal belts) come in a variety of patterns and can be worn as side belts, especially the gold and silver plated ones. The pearl belts are well suited for formal dresses and the stone belts add a lot of bling to any outfit.

The thick buckle/woven belts:

These belts are usually worn as high waist belts or just below the bust line. They come in various gorgeous designs with huge attractive buckles as the center pieces. When worn with a simple plain one piece or a gown, they totally transform your ordinary look to extraordinary. The woven belts, especially the wood color ones, are beautiful too and they are usually worn with long tops or plain white tops.


The animal skin belts:

These belts give a sassy and sultry edge to any outfit. The outfits with the classic colors like black, indigo and wine red perfectly go with such belts. Snake, leopard and tiger prints are very trendy in this season. If you are against the killing of animals for skin, then you can also get the fake printed belts which are cheaper too!


Beaded belts:

These belts keep going in and out of style however; the look that they give is lovely. These belts have a creative angle to it and come in a variety of patterns and colors. They are very flexible and can be worn in any occasion. Funky colored beads go casual whereas black, silver and golden beads go formal. Wear them as you like!

Belts can be very useful in fashion crisis to make the boring look interesting. Therefore, they never go out of fashion. So the next time you go shopping, make sure not to ignore the belts section!

– Anwesha Rath







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