Accessories 101: Five Most Desirable Bags!


As we went about looking into the most desirable accessories in a girl’s possession in the last few segments, this time we focus on one of the most needed accessories in a girl’s wardrobe. Yes, we are talking about bags. The obsession over bags has gotten so contagious that females want to grab whatever design and pattern of bags they can possible find in stores! In such a case, what do you do to have a trendy range of bags and at the same time not crave for a bag every time you visit a store? Well, you’re prayers have been answered and to provide a solution to that dilemma, we introduce the 5 types of bags one must possess. Have a look!


Huge Handbags:

These handbags are very good for daily use, especially for those who stay outdoors for long periods of time, like working people or students so that they can carry all their belongings in one bag. They come in a variety of patterns according to one’s taste. The ones with short wooden or metal handles have very much in style.


Cotton/ Handmade Bags:

These are for all those nature lovers! These eco-friendly bags are great to carry in the summers and spring. They are light and comfortable to carry and come in a variety of bright colors. They look beautiful with sun dresses and casual wears. The best thing about such bags is that they can also be designed as per one’s requirements and we can add a captions, logos and other beads or sequins to add more funk to them! One just needs to be creative when it comes to carrying such bags!

Bag packs:

These bags are again very comfortable to carry and are best suited for school and college students. If you want to go do the sporty look, then get the branded bag packs with sport’s logos and if you want to be trendy, then go for the jute fiber or leather bag packs. Both give very different yet awesome looks!


Side Pouches/Sling Bags:

These are usually good for travel purposes, to carry essential, important and frequently used items so that you don’t forget them around. They give a very trendy look and have become very popular among the youth. They look fantastic with shorts, t shirts, skirts, jeans and other casual wear.



These types of bags come in a range of designs and patterns and are usually very gorgeous studded with stones and look very precious. They provide a glamour quotient to your look and go perfect with gowns and are suited for fancy occasions.

These types of bags are trending now and go with mostly all looks. One thing you should look while choosing bags is to make sure you have a color which suits you and adapts with your outfit. Your bags give the basic framework of your look and always choose it according to your personality and taste.

– Anwesha Rath

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