Accessories 101: Selective Sunglasses


So Fashion has become the need of the century. Gone are those days when fashion was considered a luxury factor for the wealthy. These days style is trending and spreading like wild fire.


Your style reflects your personality and gives shape to your overall outlook. However, Fashion experts these days not just pay attention to the kind of clothing that you were, but how you accessorize yourself and carry the look.

Bag, jewelry, hats, scarves, belts, shoes, shades….they add the bling and zing to your wardrobe and hence the heavy demand in the market. We go from head to toe and we start with the different kind of shades that would go with each look.

Dads Wear Many Hats4


Shades give structure to your face, especially in the summers and hence it is very important to know the right pair of shades with the right outfit and that is exactly what would provide you the right amount of style and jazz you up for any occasion.


Zac Efron leaving BBC Radio 1 In London This Morning

They were old school at some point, but they have re-entered the “In” trend with a bang and have become the most popular sunglasses of the season. Aviators provide a rough tough look or as we Indians phrase, the “Dabangg” look. Regardless, these beauties look dashing especially in formal attires or uniforms as they provide a very professional look. To funk it up however, mirrored or reflecting frames have played their trick and are also trending rapidly.




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Again, amongst the most popular ones now, wayfarers provide a very cool and casual look and it also gives you a stylish edge. They go perfect with a pair of well fitted jeans. However, the best thing about these shades is the flexibility of their usage.

One can be so creative and innovative when it comes to selecting designer shades of this frame. The funky colored frames makes it an awesome beach wear, the classic bronze shine frames give the fancy look, the polka dotted frame, the retro look and the list goes on. Just style them your way and you’re good to go to any sort of occasion!




Butterfly Frames


If you are aiming for the elegant and classy look of superstars and celebrities, these frames are perfect for you. Butterfly frames add a lot of bling to your get up and look best on dressy fancy clothing like gowns and one pieces and are best suited for special occasions.



Oval/Circle/Cat Frames:



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Although these frames cover most of your face and don’t suit every face but to adorn such a frame is a bold risk worth taking. If your face can pull it off, then you get the very sassy and smoky look out of these frames. They look gorgeous with deep shades of clothing and a deep lipstick.




Rectangular Frames:

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I feel such frames usually suit men better than women yet some women pull this look off pretty well. These frames usually give the sporty, adventurous and enthusiastic vibe and hence they are suited fr sports events or during vacations.


Other glasses that are very popular among the youth are those plane rectangular glasses which look really chick and the nerd glasses which again are the cool factor for Gen Y.

Goofy frames like heart shaped frames and other crazy designs are also climbing up on the trend scale and making their mark. Just always be ready to take a risk and keep on trying and experimenting with your accessories. Different is after all, the best of all!

– Anwesha Rath



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