Accessories 101- Top Three Scarves Of The Season


After looking into so many accessorizing options, things are starting to get extravagant. And next in line is something which sometimes considered clothing essential. Of course, I am talking about scarves! So how can you make your scarves stylish and hap? Here are the top trendiest types of scarves you should possess!



Winter scarves:

These scarves made up of wool and are very good for heavy winters. However, to make them more stylish, you could choose from a variety of colors, designs, patterns or could also go for the hand woven long woolen scarves which look give a classic look.


Casual Cotton/Rayon Scarves:

These scarves are all season scarves and come on a variety of designs and patterns. If you’re wearing an extravagant outfit with a lot of designs, then pair it with a plain scarf and if your outfit is plain then jazz it up with the rich printed scarves available. The Indian printed scarves look really good with Kurtis and jeans. Infinity scarves are also very popular these days and go with the casual look.


Fancy Silk/Chiffon Scarves:

These scarves are usually very gorgeous and are suited for special occasions as they are studded with stones, sequins or beads. They are very thin and drape around the neck as a choker necklace to add more style to the classic gowns or dresses. The look they give is very elegant and graceful.

Scarves have become very popular these days and have become the daily wears. But they have to always match your outfit or they ruin the entire look. So whenever you drape a scarf, make sure it goes with your style!

– Anwesha Rath



















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