Acknowledgement Sample for Finance Projects





I have received earnest cooperation and assistance from number of persons towards completion of their project. Throughout the writing of their project the influence of my Professor Name has been guiding light. I have been greatly benefited by her guidance, profound knowledge on the subjective “PROJECT NAME” and his/her continued interest in the work. I shall ever remain indebted and grateful to her, for her deep sense of personal attachment and the ever increasing encouragement which he has given to me.

There is special pleasure in acknowledging her under whom I have initiated my work. Her intense accuracy in respect of the subject had provided the impetus for the commencement on study. My professor and friends have inevitable played a crucial role in helping me while preparing the project. I can only extend my sense of deep hearted affection to all of them.

I am highly obliged to acknowledge Principal Name and our Head of the Department Prof. Name for giving me an opportunity to contain a detailed study and analysis of my desirable topic relevant to full of my interest.

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