Acknowledgement Sample for Human Resource Management (HR) Project Reports




With the completion of my project entitled “Project Name”, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude and a word of thanks to the PROF. NAME inspired me to think beyond and to always look for better solutions.


I am also thankful to PROF. NAME (Project Guide)& our (HOD) PROF. NAME whose support was unflinching & very important in the completion of my report and to give it the final shape. I am deeply inspired by his/her profound thoughts, which took me to light whenever the path became difficult for me to grasp.


I am thankful to all the Department Staff members for rendering their support directly or indirectly. I would also like to put my thanks on record to the teaching and non-teaching staff of YOUR COURSE NAME & faculty members for rendering their support directly or indirectly.

I would like to put my thanks on record to the HR Executive/Manager NAME who guided me about the “Project Topic” in his/her Company and helped me in showing how the work process is being carried out there.

I would also like to thank all my friends who have helped me make this project. Last but not the least; I would like to thank my parents for always being my inspiration.




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