Acknowledgement Sample for MBA Projects




                First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Institute Name for having project as a part of the MBA Curriculum.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Principal Name for providing me helpful environment in complexity this project and for giving me the fine opportunity to do this project in the esteemed organization.

              I gratefully acknowledge to (Guide Name) who has given me the opportunity to learn at deep level to prepare this report and supported me throughout this project with utmost cooperation and patience.

                 I express my profound sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to the Management of (Company Name) for offering me this project and training in this organization.

An acknowledgement would not be complete without a word of thanks to all our friends for their valuable suggestions.

  Place:                                                                                                         STUDENT NAME

  Date:                                                                                                                ROLL NO.

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