Acknowledgement Sample for TYBMS Projects




Sometimes words fall short to show gratitude, the same happened with me during this project. The immense help and support received from (company name) overwhelmed me during the project.

I am extremely grateful to the entire team of (company name) and also Mr. Person Name (Branch Manager of company) who have shared their expertise and knowledge with me and without whom the completion of this project would have been virtually impossible.

This present study is the result of continuous support and guidance of the eminent faculty member of my institute. I am internally and intellectually indebted to my guide Ms. / Mr.(faculty Management dept.) who helped me to draw out the pearls from the ocean of thoughts over the subject and always encouraged me to enhance my knowledge by providing me the guidance about the selective material which I should read.

At the end I also thank my senior and colleague for their helping behavior without whom it would be difficult to complete this work successfully. I would give special thanks to my parents for their proper guidance and moral support.

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