Acne Problems? Treat them at Home !


Are you not satisfied with the various treatments you get at beauty parlors or dermatologists after paying a good amount? and what is that for,just to get a flawless,spotless and radiant skin? Acne can terribly bring down one’s confidence. Now be your own skin doctor with some of these expert advice!

1) Try some Apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar balances the pH level of your skin,which in turn kills off the bacteria that may be causing all the acne trouble.

You need – Pure unfiltered apple cider vinegar

– Fresh water

Directions – Wash your face and using a ratio of 1:3,vinegar and water, apply with a cotton ball. You can leave it for 10-15 minutes or overnight. Do it 2-3 times a day and apply a moisturizer after if your skin feels dry.

apple cider vinegar


2) Lemon juice. A must!

You are already getting the stinging feeling,and that’s what lemon always does! Lemon contains citric acid,which will attack the bacteria causing acne.

You need – Just one lemon.

Directions – Cut a lemon in half and rub the open sided of the lemon on your face gently.Don’t forget to use a sunscreen after wiping off the lemon juice.

lemon juice


3)Use those Whites.

Egg whites can be really helpful as they are a great source of proteins and vitamins. It will both remove acne and help in rebuilding the skin cells.Acne is triggered by excess oil and the whites will soak the excess of it.

You need – 2 egg whites (not yolk)

– Bowl.

– A wet cloth.

Directions – Clean your face and pat dry. Whisk the whites until they’re frothy.Cover your face with the whites focusing on problem areas.Use your fingertips.You can apply 3-4 layers but only after the previous layer has dried up.Let it dry for 20 minutes,then rinse off with warm water.Use an appropriate moisturizer after.



4) Utilize both banana and the peel.

Banana is a healthy fruit to eat,but the peel is no waste! The peel can be a best friend to your skin.It will help you rid of the obviousness of acne i.e redness,swelling and inflammation.It has powerful antioxidants that encourages healthy cell growth.

You need – A banana peel.

Directions – Eat your banana or feet it to someone.Rub the peel in a circular motion and cover all your face with it.Let it sit for 30 minutes.Rinse and pat dry.



5)Let the sodium bicarbonate do the wonder!

Sodium bicarbonate ? Yes the Baking soda is an amazing thing with antiseptic properties,it will fight off the bacteria and dry up excess oil too. It exfoliates your skin making it soft and beautiful.So make a baking soda mask and treat your skin with it’s goodness

You need – Baking soda.

– Clean water.

Directions – Mix equal parts of baking soda and water to form a thick paste.Massage it gently for 2 minutes and leave the mask for about 20 minutes.Wash it off with warm water.Pat dry and moisturize.

baking soda


6)Don’t touch your face,or oily food!

Don’t get all uncomfortable with your breakouts and start picking them.Our hands generally carry the most amount of germs and bacteria and this will make things bad to worse.Also keep away from oily and outside food.Eat a lot of fruits and veggies.It is like you are what you eat.Drink lots of water and juices with honey.

dont touch your face

Pranchal Joshi.

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