BMS Team wrote a new post, KT System in BMS Exams! 13 years, 11 months ago
If you are in BMS Sem I and Sem III, you are allowed to get 6 or 7 KTs (depending on the subjects in the semester) for going to the next BMS Sem II and Sem IV respectively.
But when you go from First Year (Sem […]
Some colleges don’t admit students who have kt…like SIES.
Some colleges do. Get in touch with the bms course co-ordinator or principal of the college where you want to take admission.
Unfortunately Naman, you are not eligible for admission according to university rules.
hiiii i got kt n 2nd & 4th semi kt,……. n accounts…..
can i eligible to take admission n tybms or without wasting my 1 year i give private direct tybms n classes any ……..i m to upset bzz of the 2 kt i didnt get the or i dont get to complete my tybms …… that the reason i m to upset plzzz as fast as possible rply me….. i m to upset
I hadMy semester 1 all clear and 4 Kt in semester 2.. so i had a drop now i cleared 3 of them.. am i now eligible to second year or is that a double drop?