Actresses loosing their favorite position among film-makers, post Marriage?



GULAAB GANG , AAJA NACHLE , GORI TERE PYAAR MEIN , TERE NAAL LOVE HOGAYA , SHHADI KE SIDE EFFECTS  are some of the unacceptable movies acted by some married actress after marriage. Is this what a film industry can give to a married actress ??

  Many married actress are still waiting for come back. They are waiting for the right script ; as they say, when asked about their comeback. These actress have a “no pregnancy clause” before they sign a film.

If they are offered a film it is only by a debut director or any low budget flim when the actress is not so famous in the industry.Is it because they just say no to a kiss scene  or any intimate scene?

But if an actress is not offered the right script they always known how to keep themselves in the limelight. They, then shift from flims to advertising , endorsements ,hosting TV shows or even becoming judges on the show. JHALAK DIKHLAJA , NACH BALIYE , INDIA’S GOT TALENT, COMEDY CIRCUS are sum reality shows judged by these actress.

But is it really necessary to just avoid them just because they now have a status on their facebook and twitter accounts as “MARRIED’?? I think it is the same even after their marriage. Try giving better roles to them and u can see they are no less even after their changed status..

– Khushboo Chauhan.


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