Additional Provisions to the Credit Based Semester and Grading System


Academic Council 25/05/2011

Item No. 4.101

University of Mumbai




* * * * *


Additional Provisions






General Ordinances


With Respect to


Credit Based Semester and Grading System



For the Programmes




The Faculty of Arts, Commerce & Science


With effect from the Academic year 2011‐12




University of Mumbai


ORDINANCEO.5042 – A: ‐ Grace Marks passing in each course/ head of passing (Theory/ Practical/ Oral/ Sessional/ TW/ External / Semester End Exam / Internal Assessment)

The examinee shall be given the benefit of grace marks only for passing in each course / head of


passing (Theory / Practical / Oral / Sessional/ TW) in External / Semester End Examination or


Internal Examination Assessment as follows:

Head of Passing                                                 Grace Marks Upto

Upto  ‐    50                                                                       2

051    ‐  100                                                                   3

101    ‐  150                                                                   4

151    ‐  200                                                                   5

201    ‐  250                                                                   6

251    ‐  300                                                                   7

301    ‐  350                                                                   8

351    ‐  400                                                                   9

And 401 and above                                                  10

Provided that the benefit of such gracing marks given in different courses/ head of passing shall not exceed 1% of the aggregate marks in that examination.

Provided further that the benefit of gracing of marks under this Ordinance, shall be applicable only if the candidate passes the entire examination of semester / year.

Provided further that this gracing is concurrent with the rules and guidelines of professional


statutory bodies at the All India level such as AICTE, MCI, Bar Council, CCIM, CCIH, NCTE, UGC  etc.


ORDINANCEO.5043‐A: ‐ Grace Marks for getting Higher Class / Grade

A candidate/learners who passes in all the subjects / courses and heads of passing in the examination  without  the  benefit  of  either  gracing  or  condonation  rules  and  whose  total number of marks falls short for securing Second Class / Higher Second Class/ First Class or next Higher Grade by marks not more 1% of the aggregate marks of that examination or up to 10 marks, which ever is less, shall be given the required marks to get the next higher or grade as

the case may be.

Provided that benefits of above mentioned grace marks shall not be given, if the candidate fails to secure necessary passing marks in the aggregate course / head of passing also, if prescribed, in the examination concerned.

Provided further that benefits of above mentioned grace marks shall be given to the candidate for such examination/s only for which provision of award of Class / Grade has been prescribed.


Provided further that this gracing is concurrent with the rules and guidelines of professional statutory bodies at the All India level such as AICTE, MCI, Bar Council, CCIM, CCIH, NCTE etc.


ORDINANCEO.5044‐A: ‐ Grace Marks for getting distinction / Grade ‘O’ in the subject / course only


A candidate/learners who passes in all the Courses or Subjects/ Heads of passing in the examination without  benefit of either gracing or condonation rules and whose total number of marks in the courses/ subject/s falls short by not more than three marks for getting  Grade  ‘O’/  distinction  in  the  courses  /  subject/s  respected  shall  be  given necessary grace marks up to three (03) in maximum two subjects, courses subject to maximum 1% of the total marks of that Head of Passing whichever is more, in a given examination.



Provided that  benefits  of  above  mentioned  grace  marks  shall  not  be  given  to  the candidate only for such examination/s for which provision for distinction in a course / subject has been prescribed.



Provided further  that  this  gracing  is  concurrent  with  the  rules  and  guidelines  of professional statutory bodies at the All India level such as AICTE, MCI, Bar Council, CCIM, CCIH, NCTE etc.


ORDINANCE O. 5045‐A: ‐ Condonation


If a candidate/learners fails in only one course/ head of passing, having passed in all other courses/ heads of passing, his/her deficiency of marks in such head of passing may be condoned by not more than 1% of the aggregate marks of the examination or 10% of the total number of marks of that course / head of passing in which he/she is failing, whichever is less. However condonation, whether in one head of passing or aggregate head of passing be restricted to maximum up to 10 marks only.

Condonation of deficiency of marks be shown in the Grade Card/ Statement of Marks in the form of asterisk and Ordinance number.

Provided that this condonation of marks is concurrent with the rules and guidelines of

professional statutory bodies at the All India level such as AICTE, MCI, Bar Council, CCIM, CCIH, NCTE etc.

ORDINANCE O. 5046‐A: ‐ Moderation



1.  The Moderation System shall be application to all the faculties for Under Gradate and


Post Graduate Semester End Examination / External Theory Examination.


2.  100% moderation of the answer book shall be carried out in the case of candidates failing by 10% of marks of the aggregate marks of that course / paper.

3.  In case of professional faculties / courses, 100% moderation shall be carried out in case of  candidates  obtaining  70%  and  above  marks  or  Grade  ‘O’.  For  non‐professional faculties / courses 100% moderation shall be carried out in case of candidates obtaining First Class Grade ‘A’ and above marks.

4.  The moderation of answer books of at least 5% of total number of candidates obtaining


marks between Grade ‘E’ / minimum passing marks and marks required for Grade ‘A’


and above First Class/ distinction shall be carried out on random sample basis.


5.    One moderator shall be appointed per five examiners. However Chairman, Board of paper setters will act as the moderator, where there are less than five examiners.

6.  Moderation work shall be carried out simultaneously with the central assessment of answer books at CAPs.

7.  Where marks awarded by the moderator vary from those awarded by original examiner, the marks awarded by the moderator shall be taken as final.

8.  Each  University  shall  formulate  detailed  scheme  of  moderation  on  the  basis  of


guidelines given above.



ORDINANCEO.5047‐A: ‐ Vigilance Squad


1.    The Vigilance Squad/s of not less than three and not more than four members shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor to visit the Centres of University Examinations to:

Ensure that the University Examinations are conducted as per norms laid down.

i.  Observe  whether  the  Senior  Supervisors  and  Block  Supervisors  are  following

scrupulously instructions for conduct of the University Examinations.

ii. Check  the  students  who  try  to  resort  to  malpractices  at  the  time  of  University

Examinations and report such case to the University.

2.  The  Vigilance  Squad  is  authorized  to  visit  any  Examination  Centre  without  prior intimation and enter office of the In‐charge of the Examination Centre to check the record and other material relating to the conduct of Examination. They can enter in any block of Examination for checking the candidates identify card, fee receipt, hall tickets etc.  to  ascertain  the  authenticity  of   the   Candidate.  The  Vigilance  Squad  shall  e authorized   to   detect   use   of   malpractices   and   unfair   means   in   the   University Examination.

3.  The Vice Chancellor shall appoint Vigilance Squad which may include:


Senior Teachers of Affiliated College/Recognized Institution/ University Departments / Teachers and desirably one lady teacher; and any other person as the Vice Chancellor considers appropriate.

4.  The Chairman of Vigilance Squad/s shall submit the report on surprise visit directly to the Vice Chancellor with a copy to the concerned Principal. The Vigilance Squad/s may make suggestions in the matter of proper conduct of examinations, if necessary.

5.  The  Principal  of  the  College  where  the  centre  of  examination  is  located  shall  be responsible for the smooth conduct of examination. He/ She shall ensure strict vigilance against the use of unfair means by the students and shall be responsible for reporting such cases to the University as well as the law of enforcing authority.


ORDINANCEO.5048‐A: ‐ Amendments of Results

Due to errors

In any case where it is found that the result of an examination has been affected by errors, the Controller of  Examinations shall have power to amend such result in such manner as shall be in accordance with the true position and to make such declaration as is  necessary,  with the  necessary  approval of  Vice Chancellor  / Pro  Vice Chancellor, provided the errors are reported / detected within 6 months from the date declaration of results. Errors detected thereafter shall be placed before the Board of Examinations.

Error means:‐

i) Error in computer/data entry, printing or programming and the like.

ii) Clerical error, manual or machine, in totaling or entering of marks on ledger/register.


iii) Error due to negligence or oversight of examiner or any other person connected with evaluation, moderation and result preparation.


A.   Due to fraud, malpractices etc.


In any case where the result of an examination has been ascertained and published and it is found  that such result has been affected by any malpractices, fraud or any other improper conduct whereby an examinee has benefited and that such examinee, has in the opinion of the Board of Examination been party of privy to or connived at such malpractice, fraud or improper conduct, the Board of Examination shall have power at any time notwithstanding the issue of the Certificate or the award of a Prize or Scholarship, to amend the result of such examinee and to make such declaration as the Board of Examination considers necessary in that behalf



Note: a) The Ordinances O.5049, O.5050 will be as per the existing ordinances. However, the term “Student” be read as “Learners”

b) The Number of the Ordinances will be same. However, it is followed by alphabet ‘A’ only.


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  1. I had passed bms sem[vi] in 2010, but my results one subject * 0.5045 failure under conducted indicated . . So no any atkt in my results in Sem [vi], I am All clear in sem [vi] without atkt . plz reply

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