If you are seeking admission for BMS at Delhi University, then find here the complete guide to admission process, group discussion and interview, final selection, intimation of result, counselling and admission to colleges.
Admission Guidelines:
Admission to the BMS course at Delhi University is based on the combined weightage of entrance examination and marks scored in qualifying examination as per the details mentioned below:
- Joint Admission Test is held at centres in Delhi only.
- Students have to take a test based on objective type multiple choice questions (four choices each).
- The written test is designed to evaluate the aptitude of the candidates to pursue a BMS degree.
- There is no prescribed syllabus or format for the entrance exam. The following areas have been usually included in the entrance test in the past: Quantitative Ability, Reasoning and Analytical Ability, General English, Business and General Awareness.
- Students have to attempt 120 questions in 120 minutes. The answers are to be marked by blue or black ball point pen on a separate answer sheet (OMR) provided during the entrance test.
- Each correct answer will get a score of plus 3 marks, each wrong answer will get a score of minus 1 mark and a question not answered will get a score of zero marks.
- Marking of multiple answers for one question is treated as wrong answer.
- The test is of 2 hours duration. The test booklet is distributed to students 10 minutes before the start of the exam so that students can fill the required details on the test booklet and answer sheet, mark their attendance and complete their document verification process.
Group Discussion and Interview for BMS program:
- The written exam is an eliminative test. Based on the performance in the written exam, students approximately 4 to 6times the number of seats for the relevant for BMS course will be called for group discussion and interview.
Final Selection of Candidates:
- The selection criteria for BMS comprises of performance in Joint Admission Test, an interview, a group discussion and performance in class XII.
- For BMS, 50% weightage is given to written examination, 30% weightage is given to Class XII Board examination, 10% weightage is given to Interview and 10% weightage is given to Group Discussion.
Intimation of Result:
Students called for group discussion and personal interviews and list of candidates finally selected for admission to BMS course, alongwith the wait listed candidates in the order of merit is displayed on the website of Delhi University.
Counselling and Admission to Colleges:
- Allotment of colleges to the candidates shall be based on their overall rank in their respective category and his/her preference exercised at the time of counseling, subject to the availability of seat in the college concerned.
- Students are required to be present in person on the day and time of counseling as per the scheduled notified by the University. However, if a student is unable to be present in person on the day and time of counseling, he /she can send an authorized representative to participate in the counseling process. An application to this effect, signed by the candidate, should be submitted for approval to the admission committee on the day of the counseling by the authorized representative before the counseling process begin.
- If the candidate / authorized representative fails to be present in person on the day and time of counseling, then the candidate forfeits his/her right for admission to the BMS course.
- A candidate offered admission is required to deposit the fees as applicable and fulfil the admission formalities within the stipulated time, failing which his / her candidature will be cancelled.
- To avail any change in their college or course preference, the candidate should have necessarily deposited fees and fulfilled the admission formalities within the stipulated time in the college allotted at the last counseling session, failing which the candidate loses right to admission as well as a right to exercise any choice later.
- Only those candidates who have taken admission as per the counseling schedule in the allotted college and course is considered for change of college and course in subsequent counseling (s) as per their merit in the overall score subject to the availability of the seats in the college concerned.
- At the time of admission in the college, the candidate will have to give an undertaking that he or she has not taken admission to any other course / college in the University of Delhi.
Instructions to Applicants appearing for DU BMS JAT:
- Admit cards will be sent to the candidates via email.
- Candidates are expected to check the admit card carefully. In case of any discrepancy, communicate immediately to helpdesk admissionhelpdesk@sscbsdu.ac.in or visit Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, Vivek Vihar Phase II, Delhi – 110095 from 9.30am to 12.30pm.
- Students must report at the examination centre by 2.30pm.
- No candidate shall be admitted to the examination centre after 3pm.
- Candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination centre without the admit card.
- All markings on the test-booklet and the OMR Answer sheet must be with blue or black ball point pen only.
- No candidate will be allowed to appear at an examination centre other than the one allotted.
- Calculation or communication devices of any kind such as calculators, mobile phones etc. are not allowed in the examination hall.
- Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as mentioned on the test-booklet cover.
- Candidates shall not be allowed to leave the examination hall before the end of the examination.
- On completion of the entrance exam, the candidate must hand over the answer sheet to the invigilator.
- Candidates can take away the test-booklet, at the end of the exam.
- The signed copy of the admit card must be retained till the end of the admission process.
- The admit card is issued provisionally to the candidate subject to his or her satisfying the eligibility conditions.