No great verses,
No pieces of art.
Just two special words
straight from the core of the heart.
2# Eid Mubarak 2014
On This Holy And Joyous Occasion/May The Blessings Of Almighty Allah/Come Down And Rest Upon Your Shoulders/And Upon Those Whom You Love/And Treasure And/May You Enjoy A Very Happy Eid/This Year And In The Years To Come./Eid Mubarak.
3# Eid SMS 2014
With petals of roses/Palm full of holy water/Light of sunshine/Fragrance of Flowers/And Grass with the dew/I wish a very/HAPPY EID MUBARAK TO YOU.
4# Best Eid Mubarak SMS For Eid Ul Azha 2014
May Allah this occasion flood your life with happiness/your heart with love/your soul with spiritual/your mind with wisdom/wishing u a very Happy Eid Mubarak.