Advance Dahi Handi Janmashtami SMS Wishes Messages Quotes Shayari 2014



Find here Janmashtami 2014 SMS in hindi, english , punjabi gujrati tamil language font. Advance Shri Krishna Janmashtami 2014 SMS Advance Janmashtami Dahi Handi SMS Wishes Messages Quotes Shayari 2014

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Maakhan chorr hai aayo,
Yashomati Maiya ka nandlala,
Dharti pe bhagwan ka avataar hai aoyo,
Harne Kans jaise papi ko
Karne kalyan Dharti maa ka..
Sheshnaag ki chatra mein wo hai aayo
Banke Kanha makhan chorr hai aayo

Janmashtami ke is shub avsar par.
Hum ye kaamna karty hai ki.
Shree Krishna ki kripa.
Ap par, aur app ke pure parivar par.
HAmesha bani rahy!
Jai Shree Krishna.

May Lord Krishna come to your house & take away all your Makhan – Mishri with all your worries & sorrows.
Happy Janmashtami

May this Janmashtami bring happiness in your life
Hatred be far apart from your life.
Enjoy the festival with love on your heart and good wishes for others.
“Jai Shri Krishna”

17 August 2014 is the 5241th Birth Anniversary of Lord Krishna. Krishna Janmashtami is also known as Krishnashtami, Gokulashtami, Ashtami Rohini, Srikrishna Jayanti and Sree Jayanthi.  The Janmashtami tithi (timing) will begin on 5.55 pm on August 17 and it will end on 6.06 on Monday i.e August 18.

Don’t miss to check:

Latest SMS, Wallpapers : Happy Krishna Janmashtami / Krishnashtami / Saatam Aatham / Gokulashtami / Ashtami Rohini / Srikrishna Jayanti / Sree Jayanti / Janmashtami 2014


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