Advance Happy New Year 2015 SMS, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages In Bengali


Happy new year  (17)

Advance Happy New Year 2015 SMS, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages In Bengali

Happy new year  (16)


Dinguli jamoni hok thik-E Jai Kete,
Tobu bolo luv ki ar Purono smriti ghete,
A bochore purno houk tomar sokol asha,
Nobo borshe etai amar porom-prottasa.

Happy new year  (15)


Choitrer Raater Sheshe
Surjo Ashe Notun Beshe,
Shei Surjer Rongin Aalo
Muchhe Dik Jiboner Sokol Kalo
Shubho Nobo Borsho!

Happy new year  (14)


Bondhu tomar bhalo basar janala khola rekho,
moner akash meghla hole amay kintu deko….
jhor bristi katiye abar dekhabo alor hasi
ami achhi, thakbo jeno tomar pasa-pasi
Subho Poila Boisakh!

Happy new year  (13)


Bondhu mane Nil Sagore Uchle Pora Dheu,
Bondhu mane Apon Kore Khuja Newa Kau.
Bondhu mane Dure Giyeo Thaka Kachakachi,
Sokal-bikel Janie dewa “BONDHU AMI ACHI”
Shuvo Nobo Borsho

Happy new year  (12)


Notun asha, notun rod, notun alo, notun bhor
Misti hasi dustu chokh, swapno gulo sofol hok
Subho Noboborsho!

Happy new year  (11)


Natun asha, natun pran, natun sure natun gaan
natun jiboner natun alo
Natun bochhor katuk bhalo.
Subho Noboborsho!

Happy new year  (10)


Aso Aso He Pohela Boishakh,Suvho Noboborsho,Sobai Ke Bangla Noboborsher Subescha,Notun Bochor Sobar Jonno Boye Niye Asuk Onabil Sukh,Santi R Prosanti,Dur Thake Koster Galani Muche Jak,R Rakhe Jak Sudhu Safoller Bani ,SUVHO NOBOBORSHO.

Happy new year  (9)


Aj Dukkho Vular Din, Aj Mon Hobe Je Rongin, Aj Pran Khule Shudu Gan Hobe, Aj Sukh Hobe Simahin. Tar Ektai karon. Aj Bangla Noboborsher Protom Din.

Happy new year  (8)


Sukher Sriti Rekho Mone, Dukher Sriti Jeo Vule, Mishe Theko Aponjone Prane, Man Oviman Sob Vule, Ashar Prodip Rekho Jele, Hajar Surjo Tomar Chokhe, Sabai Mile Theko Sukhe.

Happy new year  (7)


Dingoli jamoni houk thik e jai kata,
Tobe bolo lav ki porono sriti geta,
A Bochore puran houk tur sokol aasa,
New Year a Tur jonna ata e kori Prottasa

Happy new year  (6)


Noton bochor asok niya noton noton aasa
Prithibite choriya dik sudue valobasa.
Hana hani,Vedavad sob kichu voli
Aso soba mila misa Sot potha choli.
Sobaika New Year ar Soveccha.

Happy new year  (5)


Tumi akhon bondo amar khub Dear,
Amakeo rakho tumar ridoyer Near,
God chara kaoka tumi karona Fear,
Dekhba kovo jibona tumar asbena Tear.
A Warm Wish On Naboborsho.

Happy new year  (4)


Dibbo Kore Bolchi Tumai Ar Hobena Vhul,
Hariye Tumai Aaj Amija Na Pai Vabe Kul,
Roylo Amar Ai Abedon Grohon Koro Mura
Aager Moto E Badbo Tumai Nikhad Premer Dura

Happy new year  (3)


Eccha golo Akas cholo,Vasl++o meghar sari,
Khusir jhora tepantore hridoy dilo pari,
Moner maje setar baje khusita mon saje,
Eidar din huq Rongin ai kamonate

Happy new year  (2)


eso eso nababarsho
ano songe mrito bonge
nobo pran
nobo harsho.

utsobo nahi aar
jibono gurubhar
manober jibono bimorsho
eso eso nababarsho

Happy new year  (1)

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