Advantage of Line and Staff Organisation


Line and staff organisation enjoys certain advantages. They are:

  1. Specialisation is ensured under the line and staff organisation2 as the staff officers specialise in the planning function, and the line officers specialise in the execution or doing function.
  2. Line and staff organisation has greater flexibility , in the sense that new specialised activities can be added to the line activities without disturbing the line procedure.
  3. The expert advice and guidance given by the staff officers to the line officers benefits the entire organisation.
  4. As the decisions are made by experts or specialists, there will be sound managerial decisions under this system.
  5. As the staff officers look after t11e detailed analysis of each important managerial activity, the line officers get a big relief.
  6. Under this system, many varieties of responsible jobs are available. That means, more opportunities are there for the advancement of the workers under this system.

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