Afternoon Voice and Mumbai Manoos – Print Partners of BMS Academic Excellence Awards 2013


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Afternoon Voice

Afternoon Voice is a Mumbai daily covering all aspects of the city. Besides the daily diet of news, sports and business; readers are served refreshing columns and features related to the theme of the day. With an ever-expanding readership base, this paper tries to be different by not just focusing on city-centric reporting but also present the relevant national events with the city’s viewpoint. It was launched on July 03, 2009 and within a short span it has made its presence felt on majority of the stalls all over the city with a door-to-door circulation in the pipeline.

Newsmakers has been promoted with an intention to overcome the evils of fourth estate and do justice to the profession of journalism. We shall try to publish current news, articles, features, columns, top stories which reflect the depth of subject. We aim at adding to the responsibility.





Mumbai Manoos

Mumbai Manoos

Mumbai Manoos is a daily Marathi tabloid published from Mumbai. Launched on January 13, 2010, targeted at a Marathi youth readership. Mumbai Manoos is Mumbai’s fastest growing Marathi tabloid for Marathi Manoos.

Richness of the content is USP of this small size newspaper.


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