Agents Of Shield: All We Need To Know About Season 1 And Season 2.




“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s” first season went out with a bang, It was the twist that at the end of the season which involved the “CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOILDER” which was quite accepting and satisfying.

As at the start the season didn’t well but the second half emerged as a success and was liked, many were expecting new agents or character to fly in the series but many new characters will be introduced in the season 2,Sky was the one everyone expecting that more of her will be disclosed but season 2 we can get more about her.

New characters from comics will be seen soon such as G.W.Bridge and Daisy Johnson in season 2 as reported by MARVEL.

Also, ABC announced that Agents of SHIELD Season 2 will be moving to the 9 PM time slot every Tuesday, which justifies Marvel’s dark themes.

Let’s hope as good was the end hope the second season be a wide success.




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