AIIMS 2014 Exam Important Dates


AIIMS i.e. All India Institute of Medical Sciences has started the registrations for MBBS courses on 17 February 2014 and the last date to apply for registrations is 17 March 2014.
AIIMS exam will be conducted on 1 June 2014 at various centres across the nation. Candidates willing to apply should have passed Class 12 examination or equivalent with subjects such as English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Minimum required percentage is 60.
AIIMS exam will be for 3.5 hours and the paper will consist of 200 objective type (multiple choice and reason-assertion type) questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Knowledge with 60 questions each from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany and Zoology) and 20 from General Knowledge.

Each correct answer will get a score of 1 mark. Each incorrect answer will get a score of -1/3 (minus-one-third). No credit will be given for the questions not answered. More than one response will be treated as wrong answer and negatively marked.

The list of candidates who qualify for counseling to the M.B.B.S. course would be declared by June 25.
MBBS course will be now 6 and a half year long course which would include 1 year rural posting. A proposal had been made to extend the five and a half year long MBBS course and this also witnessed lots of medical students protesting against the proposal outside the Nirman Bhawan.

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