Airtel Moves Like Airplane Speed!!


airtel dongle

Mobile telephony and data services major, Airtel has launched a 3G Wi-Fi dongle that enables download up to 21.6 mbps. The download speed, which is more than double of the present 9.8 mbps, is now the fastest dongle available in the country. The dongle is launched in two circles – Mumbai and Andhra Pradesh – while it would be launched across the country over the next few weeks in a phased manner.

Bharti Airtel is targeting entry-level, youth and high-end post-paid users in these circles with this new device. The hardware, Huawei device costs about Rs. 2,100 and is being launched for both pre – and post – paid customers. The device can connect up to five devices (mobile, tablets or laptops) simultaneously. It would also create a Wi-Fi hotspot with a throw circumference of about 20 to 25metres.

Bharti Airtel is the country’s largest mobile operators by revenue and subscribers. Airtel has also announced that by the end of the current financial year, it would cover all the 270 towns in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana with 3G data and voice services. At present, the Airtel is providing 3G services in 200 towns across both the States, while the extent of 2G coverage is almost 95 percent of the population.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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