Ajith K Chandran, S K Somaiya College



College-S.K.Somaiya college

Tell us about yourself
I am an S.Y.BMS student. An ambitious type of human being always trying to learn new things.

Tell us about your college
My college is very good. A nice crowd I have seen till now. A very reputed college with excellent staff.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?
I am in S.Y.BMS. I joined in 2009

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?
I always wanted to be active and I heard that BMS makes people active so opted for BMS.

According to you, what is BMS all about?
BMS is all about managing anything, having lots of fun and learning new things.

What’s special about your college? What do you love about it?
College crowd is awesome. Campus is very good. Cool faculty.

Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?
Mehak mam because she is very frank being a woman.

What has BMS life taught you?
It taught me to mange my life and to enjoy life.

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?
Memorable moment is when we went to industrial visit. No saddest part till now and hoping the same in future.

Who in your life has influenced the most?
My law mam- mehak mam

As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?
I want to remove the theory part and introduce more of practicality in BMS.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?
A great opportunity to explore yourself join BMS.

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?
-How do you feel as a MBA?
-Is experience required for being a MBA?
-Correspondence given in MBA is of use or not??

What are your future plans?
Going for MBA

What are you expecting out of BMS?
I learnt so many things from BMS like managing, thinking differently, being different in the crowd.

How is BMS.co.in? What help should it provide in future?
A nice website which is helping a lot. Just provide some interesting topics for presentation to the members so that they can improve themselves.

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