Ali Warasi, SGM College


Name – Julfikar Ali Warasi
College – SGM College Of Commerce & Management

Tell us about yourself
Hi friendz,I am a straight forward guy.
I always live happy and hate tension and wanna deliver happiness to all till my best level.
I like to read about new tech.-scientific research all about hacking.

Tell us about your college
The SGM College was established in the year 1972. The college imparts education at Degree level in the field of BCOM and BMS. The S. G. M. College holds a distinction of conducting evening degree college since 1972-1990 for the employed poor students.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?
I joined BMS in JUNE 2009. I am in SYBMS.

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?
I was going to take up B.Com but my tutor inspired me to take BMS because BMS is a professional course and one becomes quite confident person due to presentations and covered almost 40% of syllabus of MBA

According to you, what is BMS all about?
It’s all about “How to implement good management action in any organization?”.

What’s special about your college? What do you love about it?
Special about my college is that they encourage students to participate in lots of events and I love that they encourage the weak students. There are close relation between teachers and students because of less crowd of BMS student in my college.

Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?
A.Ansari is my favorite teacher/faculty because he provides good practical knowledge about working condition of organizations by their experience.

What has BMS life taught you?
BMS syllabus covered almost every field of business as well as social behavior i.e. how to communicate and convince.

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?
Happiest moment in BMS was seminar on personality development.
The saddest was when my 1 friend drop-out from BMS,
The most memorable is Industrial visit to PEPSI CO. at Raighad in 2009.

Who in your life has influenced the most?
My Dad.

As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?
As a BMS student, I want 100% marks on practical basis i.e. on presentation, Viva and project.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?
To remove stage-fear from the mind because it will help in Presentation.

What are your future plans?
To start my own business.

How is What help should it provide in future?
It is very informative and helpful for making project through guidelines.
It helps at the time of interview.

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