All About Peep Toes



You cannot claim to be a diva without owning some funky peep toes which spruces up the attire.Peep toe heels typically come in the shape of casual court shoes suitable for work or fancier stilettos for evenings out. Compared to other open-toed shoes, such as sandals, the opening at the toe is smaller. Therefore, peep toe heels only reveal a small part of the toes, allowing a slight peek at them. Peep toe heels can be sexy, bordering between formal and fun. Classy and chic, they still show a little bit of skin. They generally have a closed back that secures feet in place, while the peep toe allows the feet to breathe. This might be helpful on especially warm days.

Finding the right shoe is important because they contribute to looking and feeling good. When wearing the wrong shoes, it is not that easy to brave the shoe bites they cause you.

Main Features of Peep Toe Heels

As peep toe heels are a type of court shoe, they are made of a single cut of leather or other material on the outside and a single cut lining, made of either cloth or leather, on the inside. They are usually easy to slip on because they are not tied or strapped in any way. However, some models may have fancy ankle straps. The height of the heel and the gradation of the incline varies as well.

The Height of the Heel

 height of the heel

Peep toe heels can make the wearer many centimetres taller. The heel selection starts with low kitten heels and goes up to slender, dagger-likestilettos. The choice of the height largely depends on the wearer and the occasion. For everyday wear, lower heels are more comfortable, especially when the shoes are worn for long hours. Parties and nights out, however, call for stiletto heels that give the ultimate sexy look.

Finding Peep Toe Heels for Any Occasion

Making the right decision about which shoe to buy takes some careful consideration. Peep toe heels vary in colour, material, heel height, cut, size, and ornate details. Considering where they will be worn should also be done before making the decision.

Peep Toe Heels for Any Season

 peep toe

Previously, peep toe heels were thought to be more of a summer shoe because the toes are exposed and they may get cold in the winter. Current fashion rules are less strict and allow women to wear peep toe heels with tights, which makes them suitable for colder months. On milder autumn days, peep toe heels do well even without tights. Almost any peep toe heel model can be worn in all seasons. The only limitations are the colours of the clothes that should match the shoes, and the materials. Suede peep toes and other delicate materials, such as silk and satin, should be kept away from heavy rainfall. Leather is often treated and can therefore endure water.

The Right Size

 right size

Even more than for clothing, shoes should have the right size to fit comfortably. While a dress that is too tight may simply look a bit unsightly, tight shoes cause blisters and other foot problems. Smaller shoes may look tempting because they make the feet look cute and petite, but they can be harmful. Sometimes when shoes are bought in the morning, they turn out to be too small because feet naturally swell during the day. This is the main reason why shoes should be tried on in the afternoon or later in the day. However, as shoes can be stretched, to some degree, this problem may be solvable. For this, you  should spray the shoes with stretching spray and then put stretchers inside the shoes. Another option is putting the shoes in the freezer, where sealable plastic bags filled with water freeze and expand in the shoes. A cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol also helps to expand the shoes. After the rubbing is complete, the peep toe heels should be put on. After about fifteen minutes of walking around, the shoes should have stretched.


Matching the Peep Toe Heels with the Clothing

Thanks to their wide variety, peep toe heels can be worn with any clothes. When opting for a more conservative look, for example, at work, then simple, leather peep toes with neutral colours are the best choice. Weddings, cocktail parties, and other formal events require fancier heels, either with sparkly glitter, satin, or silk. Patent leather spices up any party or night out, while nude-coloured peep toes work wonders with shorts and rompers.


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Riya Lokhande


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