It’s All In The Mind!



It does not matter how long we have had negative patterns,or an illness,or a rotten relationship,or lack of finances,or self-hatred,we can begin to make a change today. The thoughts we have held and the words we have repeatedly used have created our life and experiences up to this point. Yet,that is past thinking,we have already done that.

What we are choosing to think and say, today, this moment, will create tomorrow and the next day,and the next week,and the next month and the next year,etc. The point of power is always in the present moment. This is where we begin to make changes.We can begin to let the old nonsense go.Right now. The smallest beginning will make a difference.It’s how we think that determines everything. If our thinking will be positive,you’ll see everything going better.

We only believe someone else’s opinion which we have accepted and incorporated in our belief system. Stop for a moment,try to think positive. Try to keep a good frame of mind rather then snapping at everything. Look at the brighter side of things and remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Stop for a moment and catch your thought.What are you thinking right now? If thoughts shape your life and experiences would you want  this thought to become true for you? If this a thought of worry or anger or hurt or revenge,how do you think this thought will come back to you?

If you want a joyous life,you should think joyous thoughts. Make peace with your past and be positive. Be willing to change your mind and thoughts and watch your life change.



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Riya Lokhande


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