All that you need to know about Atif Aslam


Well, lets know something about this legend -Atif Aslam. He is one of the best Pakistani Singer. He is my personal favorite. Atif Aslam produced a new boundary altogether in the world of music. So lets have a gaze on some of the facts about Atif Aslam that rarely anyone knew..

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  • Atif Aslam has been part of notable International projects as well. In 2005, three tracks from his first album (Yakeen, Ehsaas & Aadat) were included in the soundtrack of an independent Hollywood venture titled “Man Push Cart”. The movie went on to win 8 international awards and 7 further nominations.Atif-Aslam-Latest-Wallpapers-Hd-2014
  • Atif Aslam was the first Pakistani singer to be nominated for the most prestigious Indian “film fare” awards two years in a row.
  • Atif made his debut On 17th July, 2004 the first album of Atif Aslam was released. The album was titled “Jalpari”. On the outset, the album stood on the success of “Aadat”
  • According to Atif, if he wasn’t a singer, he would have been a  cricketer1902979_10152134574292143_2095474865755623618_n
  • It is often said about Atif Aslam that “He came, he sang & he conquered” but it has not been that simple. The success is backed by consistent hard work, dedication and the ability to create music with fearless confidence! Combine all that with the most humble superstar ever and only one name comes to mind, Atif Aslam!



Here is the list of hit songs of Atif Aslam that will surely light up your mood and the latest video of atif aslam,where he seems to have  fun time on the setss of comedy nights with kapil..


According to Atif, his face’s best feature is the “Evil Smile”,n girls we all would agree with this,wont’t we?? 🙂


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Kajal Shah

hello frnds.. I am kajal shah, a student by occupation. I m fun-loving, simple and happy-go-lucky girl.I am talkative i like to counsel my friends and make them feel light when they are having tough time.I believe in simplicity and i love cooking and oh ya so m a foodie by birth.Do no badbut don't take a shit..


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