All You Fashionista’s Need To Know About Pointed Flats!


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Pointy flats are just another must-have.They might have gone in and out of vogue many times but if paired well, they will  help you make a statement so fresh and sophisticated. They look truly dressy and we have so many options in front of us to choose from. Be it the utterly feminine ones, the slightly edgy ones or even the pointy flats with amazing flair.

You can choose a classy,black pair which will be your savior for most of your outfits. Pointy flats in gold truly speak class and you have to go buy them to pull off umpteen spunky looks. Opt for the ones with flowery prints for a more feminine look. You also can’t afford to miss neon! Their vibrancy will make the look blossom truly!

How to wear them:-

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If you want to create a longer leg line helped by your choice of footwear, but you’re not crazy   about wearing heels, you can trust the pointy flats to help you achieve that same effect. Regardless of the shoe style you’re ready to commit to, an all-white outfit will only highlight the pointy flats’ signature sophistication, by keeping things incredibly light and ethereal.

In between redefining the school-girl chic, embodying the pure femininity and evoking a quiet elegance for spring and summer 2014, you won’t be surprised to find the pointy flats imbedded at the core of any aesthetic that cares to maintain its relevance in a remarkable manner. Keep in mind that the pointy flats look fantastic when paired to both pencil and flared midi skirts or dresses, short A-line skirts, flowy maxi’s, tapered trousers, shorts and skinny jeans.

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It’s high time you go and fill your closet which some dapper pointy flats to kill it without having the baggage to wear heels all the time and having the fear that you will trip.You totally  can make them a sensation if paired immaculately.

-Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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