All You Need To Know About Champagne


A Champagne Cheers!

In European style, ‘it’s time to raise a toast.’ For those who don’t know by what to top their glasses, this articles is especially for them, along with a sympathy “mate, you haven’t heard of champagne.”

Champagne is very prestigious wine produced from superior quality grapes in France. The technique to produce wine is known only to handful people from medieval ages. The sparkling white wine is double fermented into cold brewery and is quite sensitive to atmospheric pressure and temperature. Hence utmost precaution is been taken in brewery to brew the champagne.

The name came up with from the ancient village of Champagne in France, and that village only had the production of white grapes required to extract the wine from. Thus it could be quoted;

“Champagne is wine, but every wine is not Champagne”


Also the green glass bottle doesn’t come cheap and handy. For a bottle, depending upon the number of years it been fermented and preserved you need to shell more amount. A 12 year old bottle can fetch a bid price which is more than $1200. And bottle of 1970’s vintage edition would cost you… any guesses?? ($9500)

Thus remember any special occasion arises, make sure you uncork the precious bottle, to let everyone know the happiness you relishing. After the sparkling wine is sprinkled, make a toast relating to the speciality of the occasion. It will make you and your guest in pomp and festive mood. Cheers!!


P.N. champagne is for drinking is general misconception.


-Vibhav Galadagekar.

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