Rio 2, a follow up to 2011’s successful animated film “Rio” is a 3D animated film about a family of the rare Spix’s macaw birds that shows off the South American county’s diverse musical heritage and Carnival music of Atlantic Coast venturing into the rhythms of Amazon region.
The film is set to be released b 20th Century Fox (FOXA.O) in the U.S. and Canadian theatres on 11th April 2014, Friday.
The movie starts with a vibrant blue family of macaws, headed by the father Blu, as voiced by Jesse Eisenberg and mother Jewel (Anne Hathaway) who leave their bird refuge in Rio for a trip to the Amazon in order to find a possible colony of their brothers and sisters.
Rio 2 is not expected to have successful sales for its hit tracks but the movie coincides with global attention being focused on Brazil which is the host of this year’s World Cup soccer tournament and 2016 Summer Olympics.
Rio 2 has grossed $55 million in Europe already after it was released last week there. The film’s expected to gross $39 million in its opening weekend in North America.