The relationship between diet and exercise is same as the relationship between the wheels of a cycle. If one tire falls off then the other one two falls off. Diet and exercise are the two sides of the same coin. They are equally important for every person living on earth. People believing diet and exercise is only for models and for people who want to look great. We’ll all this is just a myth. Diet and exercise go hand in hand. When you maintain a proper diet only then can you maintain your body weight.
We all have heard of weight management. Weight management is nothing but keeping you weight proportionate to your height. We all have different heights and weights. Many of us don’t know why we look thin even after eating so much and many of us don’t know why we look so fat or become fat even after eating so less. That’s when weight management has to play its role. You got to check your weight and height and remove a BMI. Your weight and height are the two most important aspects when it comes to weight management. Some people look so skinny but their body weight is more because their bone weight is higher.
Well when you follow a proper diet and exercise regularly your body will become fit and healthy. When you join the gym and you know you have to lose weight you tend to exercise a lot. But what happens with exercise. Your body changes and from outside when your body changes from inside too it should change. If we continue to eat junk all day long and exercise like a donkey exercise so much it will not help. Gym instructors and dieticians have said that exercise is just 20- 40 % and the rest is all diet that helps you lose weight. Diet is something we all don’t follow.
For some dieting seems impossible but for others, it is possible. Many of us have this low haemoglobin problem and stuff and thus we avoid dieting. Eating right is called dieting. Many of us fast and starve ourselves to death and then complain we are putting on weight or falling sick this is not the right way to diet. Dieting does not at all mean starving or fasting. Dieting in fact is all about eating. Dieting is about eating the right stuff at the right time. People eat only fruits or survive only on liquid isn’t really dieting it is called fasting. Fasting and dieting is always misunderstood. Fasting is done for spiritual healing and dieting is done for physical fitness.
Exercise is very important for human body. Often people eat right and don’t exercise. Their body weight may be normal and they may never face problems like overweight and obesity but they definitely might be facing problems of flexibility. Some people aren’t that active as compared to others who exercise or walk daily. Exercise doesn’t mean gymming it only means regular physical activities. Men usually prefer weight lifting and want perfect muscles and good looks. You can also gain muscles by lifting up chair and tablets, you don’t need to pick up everything but yeah logistics can help you do all this. It makes you strong.
As for others walking helps, morning walk is very effective for everyone. Especially for diabetic patients. It helps their diabetes stay in control. Even for the diabetic patients diet is necessary it is as important as walk. This may not help you lose weight but it helps you remain fit and active it also makes you live longer than you actually can and live fitter for a long time. As for obese and diabetic patients almost the same type of diet chat is given and is told to work out regularly.
Well the diabetic patients are told to eat every 2 hours just like how the obese patients are told. There is a particular diet that is given to them. Doctors recommend 5 snacks a day. Mostly all the dieticians tell people to have 5 small snacks a day rather than having 3 full meals. Breakfast being the most important meal of the day one shouldn’t skip it. Also skipping, cycling, swimming and jogging helps a lot in weight reduction along with proper diet. Green tea is one effective thing that you all could try. Having green tea instead of milk tea and coffee definitely makes a huge difference it is a slow process but it helps in weight reduction. Green tea is an antioxidant and consuming green tea increases your metabolic rate and whatever food you eat gets digested properly and thus it is one thing that you must have. It is good for skin, health, diabetics and weight reduction too. It has many health benefits.
We all see so many people eating such a lot of food and they still do not put on weight. In fact the people who are skinny eat a lot than the people who are fat and still they manage to look so fit and have a perfect figure. This all happens because of their metabolic rate. People who have a high metabolic rate do not put on weight and if they exercise as well they burn calories. In order to increase your metabolic rate includes fibre and green tea also spicy chillies and spicy food and black coffee makes your metabolic rate high.
Exercise a lot keep you active at all times. You will be able to climb steps of 10 floors also and you won’t get tired that’s the power of working out. Exercise and diet goes hand in hand. Once you exercise and diet well you yourself will see the changes in you, and you will feel better and exercise and diet will be a part of you. Exercise and diet is like husband and wife if both stay loyal then the marriage goes well. If both followed well (exercise and diet) then you will see good results.
BY Carren bryne.