All You Want To Know About -Nina Lal Kidwai: The Dominant Deal Maker!



The country head of HSBC India and the first Indian woman to graduate from Harvard Business School,and also is the First women to guide the functioning of a  foreign bank in the country. Not only that she is a Padma Shree awardee as well. Enlisted here are four  things that set her apart making her the perfect 20th century  icon for women to be inspired:

>>Little Girl Big Dreams:

Not many of us at the age of 10 know who we aspire to be for sure but she knew that she would end up being a Corporate Manager someday she always fancied the corporate atmosphere – the big chairs , the respect one got, the organised desks when she used to visit her father’s office.

>>Excellency in Academics:

She was not only a brilliant student  in academics but was an all-rounder as well .Indian Psychic believes that  if one is a brilliant student then  Science is the only career option that one should opt for but she decided to opt for Economics instead. She is a Graduate from Lady Shree Ram College, University of Delhi.

>>Leadership Qualities to the Core:

In the first year of graduation she stood for the post of general secretary in the student elections she later won and in her final year went on to be the college president, within two decades after passing out from Harvard she was globally acknowledged as one of the most powerful Corporate executives. By the mid 1990 she had become a quintessential deal-maker in the stock market circles.

>> Dedication:

A tiny excerpt of her life will reveal the dedication one needs to have in order  to be successful

“In the year 1991 when she was about 7-8 months pregnant she had an important meeting to attend in Dubai but since it was the morning after the Rajiv Gandhi assassination and there was a total chaos in the country on her way she saw burning cars on the roads and the first reaction of anyone would be to go back and not take a chance  but despite all this she decided to attend the meeting for she did not want to let her colleagues down”

Her aspiration in life is that ‘Micro finance percolates across the country’

Khyati Kotiyan

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