All You Want To Know About Raghuram Rajan – The Apex Man of India’s Apex bank!


Raghuram Rajan

Youngest Governor of the Reserve Bank of India , one of the top 10 economist in the world also nicknamed by his students as the Frontier Function (an economic term that means the cutting edge of maximum value.) Dr. Raghuram Rajan was ranked by his peers as the economist with “the most important ideas for a post-crisis world”. He is also predicted recession in the year 2008.

>> Basic trivia

Raghuram Govinda Rajan was born on 3rd February 1963 ,in Bhopal Madhya Pradesh. He did his schooling from Delhi Public school, R.K. Puram he later went on to do his graduation from IIT Delhi and the an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad. He was always an excellent student a gold medalist from both the IIT and the IIM which in itself is a major achievement and also an Indicator that he will go places with his Excellency which indeed he did.

In 2010 he published Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy for which he won the Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award he was also an inaugural recipient of the Fischer Black Prize awarded by the American Finance Association for contributions to the theory and practice of finance by an economist under age 40. ”. He was also awarded with Infosys Science Foundation award in the same year.

In 2013, he received the 5th Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial Economics by CFS for his highly influential contributions in a remarkably broad range of areas in financial economics. During his early days he worked at the booth school of business at the University of Chicago and later was appointed as the chief economist at the IMF [International monetary Fund ]also served as the president of the American Finance Association later was appointed as Chief Economic Advisor to the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. And currently is the 23 Governor of Reserve Bank of India. He also received a PHD from MIT Sloan school of Management for his thesis titled “essays on Banking “. He is married to Radhika Puri a classmate from IIM Ahmedabad.

Dr.Raghuram Rajan is truly an economic wizard who stands tall to usher in the good times.

– Khyati Kotiyan

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namrata desai


  1. Dr.Raghuram Rajan is just a genius..!! I am his great fan…. I wish I get at least 1% of his excellent knowledge…… A perfect man………..

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