All You Wanted To Know About Kasparov The Mater Chess Player


garry kasporav

Chess is one of the ancient games and its inception was in India. It was played by the kings and emperors. It is one of the most beautiful and creative games which requires no physical strength but a strong mental capability. It is a game which goes for hours and days and It is a difficult game where patience is the most important thing. Vishwanathan Anand is a great India chess player who has been a world champion.

Gary Kasparov is regarded as the greatest Chess Player ever. Born in Azerbaijan, He won the world championship at the age of 22 and since has broken records and won titles and trophies before retiring in 2005. After retirement he has become a politician and has been a writer since his younger days. He formed the professional chess association as a regulatory board of chess. Gary Kasparov is such a genius that he defeated a computer itself. He defeated ‘Deep Blue’ which was a IBM chess computer. So who says Computers have better minds than humans.

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Kasparov has defeated many great chess players and also computers as it seems. It is quite amazing to read autobiography of him as he has been such an immense player and surely a legend being the greatest, the best of the bests. It takes a superhuman mind to  be at such a level which a human mind can only think off. Being a world champion for 15 consecutive years, that is a feat in itself. There have been many major video games made having name of Kasparov.

When it comes to chess Gary Kasparov is the biggest and the greatest name and when it comes to inspiration, surely reading his biography will give a great inspiration for a young chess player.

– Jainam Jhaveri



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