Amal Alamuddin engaged to actor George Clooney




Amal Alamuddin, is engaged to actor George Clooney . Amal is a lawyer whose work includes issues related to Syria, drones and Wikileaks.
People Magazine broke the news noting that Amal and Clooney were spotted  in Malibu, where they were dining with Cindy Crawford and her husband Rande Gerber (both friends of Clooney’s) at Nobu.  Alamuddin was seen wearing which looked like an engagement ring on her left ring finger.  People Magazine’s one of the exclusive sources said, “He
(George Clooney)  popped the question” and “George and Amal are trying to keep it a low – key affair but they also aren’t really trying to hide their relationship, they plan on being together forever.”

Alamuddin, is an accomplished international lawyer.  She holds a B.A. and L.L.B. from St. Hugh’s College, Oxford University (where she won the Shrigley Award) and also holds a Masters of Law (L.L.M.) degree from New York University School of Law (where she earned the Jack J. Katz Memorial Award for excellence in entertainment law). She practiced for several years at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP’s New

Her clients included Enron and Arthur Andersen.

In her current position as a barrister in London (Bar of England & Wales, Inner Temple) Alamuddin has represented clients in cases before the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights, as well as in domestic courts in the U.K. and the U.S..  Alamuddin has also represented controversial Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in extradition proceedings in the U.K. and former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuila
Tymonshenko before the European Court of Human Rights.

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Aishwarya Mehta
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